City of Dearborn waives entry fee for residents at Ford Woods, Dunworth pools during heat wave

With temperatures expected to surge above 90 degrees, the City of Dearborn today announced that it will waive entry fees for Dearborn residents at two of the City’s outdoor pools at Ford Woods and Levagood parks. Residents can enjoy the pools for free from Tuesday, June 18, through Friday, June 21, 2024.

Both pools will be open for regular hours during these cool-off days:

- Ford Woods Park pool, 5700 Greenfield Rd: 1 - 6 p.m.
- Dunworth Pool at Levagood Park, 801 N Denwood St: 1 - 8 p.m.

Visitors must show proof of their residency in Dearborn by presenting a driver's license, state ID, school ID, or another official document with their photo, name, and address to enter. Residents will be admitted to the pools on a first-come-first-served basis as capacity is limited.

Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud stated, “Our public pools continue to be one of the best public amenities available to all Dearborn residents. We hope families are able to take advantage of this free pool period to cool off while using additional precautions during this particularly intense heat wave.”

Pool admission fees are always waived for residents ages 13 years and due to a policy change instituted by Mayor Hammoud in 2022.

For more information on pool locations, hours, and activities, visit