Meet Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud


Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud has been an unwavering advocate for his hometown of Dearborn for over a decade. As the proud son of working class, immigrant parents, Mayor Hammoud was born and raised in Dearborn. As the city’s seventh mayor, Hammoud is deeply committed to building a city where residents in every corner have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to its success.

A product of Dearborn Public Schools and three-time graduate of the University of Michigan, Mayor Hammoud has master’s degrees in business administration and public health, and a bachelor’s degree in science.

Prior to his role as mayor, Abdullah Hammoud served as Dearborn’s State Representative in the Michigan House of Representatives, representing the 15th District. During his time in the state legislature, he championed various initiatives aimed at safeguarding air quality and public health, improving education, healthcare access, and economic development for the people of Michigan.

In November 2021, Abdullah Hammoud was elected as the Mayor of Dearborn, and has since been delivering on his shared vision of a more inclusive, vibrant, and prosperous community. As Mayor, Abdullah Hammoud has made historic investments in public parks; instituted public health in all policies; prioritized economic development and public safety; and innovated the way the government delivers services to its over 100 thousand Dearborn residents. Hammoud has fostered collaboration between the city government, local businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations.

In addition to his mayoral duties, Mayor Hammoud is a dedicated husband and father. He and his wife, Dr. Fatima Beydoun, are excited to raise their growing family in Dearborn. 

Office of the Mayor

Contact the Mayor

To request the Mayor's presence at your event, meeting, or new business grand opening, contact the Mayor's Office using the following form. 

For other requests, call the Mayor's Office at 313-943-2300.

Contact the Mayor's Office