Department of Economic Development

Home Improvement & Construction

Before starting a home improvement or construction project, it is required to receive approval from the City of Dearborn. 

Permit approval involves three critical steps: 

Applying for a permit and submitting plans (as needed).
Completing plan review with the City of Dearborn.
Completing an inspection with the City of Dearborn.
More than one type of permit may be required to complete a project

What is a permit?


A permit is an official document issued by the City of Dearborn that authorizes work on a project.


The City of Dearborn issues the following permits for new and existing buildings and properties:

Building permits allow someone to complete demolitions, additions, renovations, installations, repairs, and new construction.
Mechanical permits allow someone to install or replace anything impacting heating, air conditioning, or ventilation systems.
Electrical permits allow someone to complete electrical work.
Plumbing permits allow someone to install, modify, or repair a plumbing system.

Submitted plans will be reviewed by the building department to confirm compliance with building codes and local ordinances

Review times typically range between 5 -10 business days, but may take longer depending on the complexity of the review, detail on provided plans, time of year, or how busy the department is.
The plan reviewer will be in contact with the applicant throughout the review process.
If the plans are found to be approvable, a building permit is issued. If the plans require additional information/corrections, a report detailing the required corrections will be sent to the applicant, and plans will need to be resubmitted.

Formal inspections are required for all permitted work to ensure the repair or builds are completed to code. You must complete an inspection for every permit that you submit to the City. 



Detailed Plan Review Process


Submitted plans will be reviewed by the building department to confirm compliance with building codes and local ordinances.

Review times typically range between 5 -10 business days, but may take longer depending on the complexity of the review, detail on provided plans, time of year,  or how busy the department is. 

Obtain a City Map

The city can provide information on lot lines, plat maps, sewer and water main locations and streets.  

A small fee will be charged. Call 313-943-2150 to obtain a map.