The Presidential General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. Dearborn voters have three options to vote:
1. Vote Early: Complete and cast a ballot early between Oct. 26 - Nov. 3 at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center.
2. Vote with an Absentee Ballot: Request and return an absentee ballot on or before Election Day.
3. Vote In Person on Election Day: Voters can cast a ballot at their designated polling place between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Election Day.
This page includes important voting and election information for Dearborn residents, including:
For more information on voting and elections, contact the City Clerk's Office at
Check Your Voter Information ( must be registered to vote to cast a ballot in an election in Dearborn. To register to vote, you must be all of the following:
All Dearborn voters may cast their vote with a ballot in English or Arabic.
Registered voters in Dearborn have multiple options for voting in an election, including:
All Dearborn voters can vote early in the nine days leading up to state and federal elections.
Early voting for the 2024 General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, will take place Saturday, Oct. 26 - Sunday, Nov. 3 at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center.
Ford Community & Performing Arts Center
15801 Michigan Ave
Hours of early voting: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily
All Dearborn voters can vote with an absentee ballot without providing a reason.
Absentee ballot applications are offered in both English and Arabic.
Voters must complete an absentee ballot application online, by mail, or at the City Clerk's Office to receive an absentee ballot. Dearborn voters can also request and complete an absentee ballot in person at the Dearborn City Clerk's office through the Monday before Election Day, up to 4 p.m.
Please Note: If returning your absentee ballot application by mail or online, it must be sent to the Clerk's Office no less than two weeks before Election Day.
Dearborn voters can also sign up to receive an absentee ballot before every election by contacting the City Clerk's Office or completing an online application at the following link.
Completed absentee ballot applications can be returned in person, by mail, via email, or online.
In Person: Applications may be returned to the City Clerk's Office at the Dearborn Administrative Center (DAC) or dropped in the secure election dropbox in the parking lot of the DAC.
By Mail: Applications may be mailed to the following address: Dearborn City Clerk - Elections, 16901 Michigan Ave., Suite 11, Dearborn MI 48126.
Via Email: Email completed applications to
Online: Request an absentee ballot online at
The City of Dearborn has five secure absentee ballot dropboxes available throughout the city for voters to return their completed absentee ballot applications and completed absentee ballot.
All dropboxes are monitored by video surveillance and are emptied daily during each election cycle.
Official City of Dearborn absentee ballot drop boxes are located at the following locations:
Dearborn voters can check their polling location information by searching their address at the bottom of this webpage or by visiting
Those voting on Election Day must vote at their assigned polling place for every election unless notified by mail of an alternate location.
Military servicemembers, their families, and civilians living overseas can participate in local, state, and federal elections while abroad.
The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) provides information and options for U.S. voters who would like to participate in an election while overseas.
Election results are recorded and reported by voting precincts in Dearborn.