FAQs: Selling or Buying a Home

  1. What if I can’t complete the inspection repairs in time for closing?

    When the violations noted on the inspection report have not been corrected, the seller may consider an “As Is” sale. This refers to a property having inspection violations that have not been corrected.  The Seller and Buyer make arrangements in the purchase agreement that the Buyer will become responsible for completing those violations in a timely manner in order for them to get the certificate of occupancy (C / O) from the city. The property may be sold ‘AS IS” utilizing a closing document that the Buyer will get from the City Prior to the closing. This document is called a compliance agreement and is presented at closing in lieu of a C / O. The buyer should email: DbnSales@dearborn.gov 


  1. What if I want to sell my house “As is” ?

    The buyer will contact the city to obtain a closing document called a compliance agreement. This document will allow the closing to occur in lieu of the certificate of occupancy.


  2. What if the buyer backs out of the purchase? 

    Email DbnSales@dearborn.gov  that closing did not happen. City staff will review the status of your property and provide next steps.


  3. Do you still have inspections in bad weather conditions (heavy snow, etc)?

    It depends on the conditions. Every effort will be made to complete the inspection as scheduled based on the particulars of the event. You will be contacted by the inspector or city staff with details of any alternate arrangements as soon as the situation is understood. (we have had very few instances of not being able to complete inspections due to weather.)


  4. What if I have already applied for, scheduled, or completed my inspection but no longer want to sell my house or am going to wait to do so?  

    Email DbnSales@dearborn.gov regarding your situation. City staff will review the status of your property and provide options and next steps based on where you are in the process. 


  5. What if I want my list my home as a rental property?

    Apply to register the property as a rental by submitting a request for inspection If you have just bought the house and the C/O was issued as Non-Owner Occupied, you have already been registered into the program.


  6. Can I move into my house before I have the Certificate of Occupancy ( C / O )? 

    No. For the safety of the occupant or persons living in the home, you are not allowed to occupy a residence without meeting specific safety conditions of the house. If you have further questions contact our staff at: DbnSales@dearborn.gov.


  7. Do I need a third party inspection? 

    Private’ or ‘independent' inspections are not required by the city but are encouraged. The buyer may choose have these Inspections to evaluate the property in a high level of detail, beyond the scope of the city’s minimum safety inspection.


  8. How do I cancel my inspection the day of the appointment? 

    Return the call from the inspector or contact the Response Center at 313-943-2150. If enough time is allowed, an email could also be sent to DbnSales@dearborn.gov.


  9. What is a Heating Certificate ?  Why do I need one for the inspection? 

    The furnace or boiler system is a mechanical device subject to potential failure at any given time. When broken, these units may have dangerous fumes or other conditions. For safety, we require that a licensed heating and cooling company (or boiler-certified company), inspect the units and measure the level of carbon monoxide. The company should provide you and the city a certificate on their company forms with the details of that inspection. 


  10. Do I have to have a realtor sell my home? 

    No, the city does not require the seller to use a realtor for the sales inspection process. 


  11. Where is the inspection report? 

    The residential inspection is captured electronically and, in most cases, is provided via the city website after 5 p.m. the day of the inspection.

    Download the Residential Inspection Report


  12. What is a Certificate of Occupancy  (‘ C of O” or   “C / O” ) ?

    A Certificate of Occupancy is an official document issued by the City of Dearborn, that certifies that your house meets all minimum code and safety requirements and is safe and ready to occupy. The issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy completes the city inspection portion of the process.


  13. How do I get a certificate of occupancy  ( “C / O “ or  “C of O” ) ?

    The Seller, Listing agent, or title company can email our staff. Provide the Name of the buyer(s) AND whether they will live in the house themselves (owner occupied). If they will NOT be the occupant, you should also include the buyers’ full contact Information. The certificate will be emailed to the requestor to provide for the closing appointment:

    Email: DbnSales@dearborn.gov.  

    This document is provided only after the property has passed city inspection.