Residents must remove parked vehicles from neighborhood streets between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on trash collection, recycling, and yard waste collection days.
The Dearborn Historical Advisory Commission consists of 12 members.
The Historical Advisory Commission meets the fourth Wednesday of every month (except for the months of July, August, and December) at 6 p.m. in the McFadden-Ross House (915 Brady).
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2025.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2025.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2025.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
Member emeritus.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2026.
Appointed to a 3-year term ending on Jun. 30, 2027.
City of Dearborn Chief Museum Curator
City of Dearborn Assistant Chief Museum Curator