Step 6: Certificate of Occupancy

A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued after a re-inspection has been performed, all noted violations have been corrected, required repairs have been made, and all fees have been paid.

Certificates of Occupancy are always prepared in the purchaser’s name. To request a certificate of occupancy, email the purchaser’s name to Please also state whether the buyer will be occupying the home. If it will be a non-owner-occupied property, please provide the buyer's full contact information. The certificate will be emailed back to the requestor. They will be responsible for providing the C/O to the closing appointment. 

Inspection reports and Certificates of Occupancy are time-sensitive.

Certificates of Occupancy will be issued up to six months after the inspection approval date. After this period, a new inspection may be required. Please contact the staff for specifics regarding your property inspection at

Note for Non-Owner Occupied Certificate of Occupancy:

When a Certificate of Occupancy or is issued as Non-Owner-Occupied, it automatically enrolls the property in the rental program. Although not all Non-Owner-Occupied properties are used as ‘income’ properties, the larger majority are; therefore the term “rental" is the more commonly used term.