
Neighborhood Parks

The city's 13 Neighborhood Parks provide residents with convenient access to green space with just a short walk.

Neighborhood Parks

The City of Dearborn maintains 14 neighborhoods parks. 

Oak Park

1601 McMillian


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment  (handicap accessible)
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Drinking fountain
  • - Bike rack
  • - Sand volleyball court
  • - Ball field 
  • - Soccer field
Argyle-Williamson Park

5410 Argyle


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment  (handicap accessible)
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Sand volleyball court
  • - Bike rack
Bennington Park

15730 Andover Dr


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment  (handicap accessible)
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Ball field
  • - Drinking fountain
City Hall Park

13801 Michigan Ave


Park Amenities:

  • - Tables
  • - Benches
  • - Drinking fountain
  • - Parking lot
Edison Park

2410 Elmdale


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment (handicap accessible)
  • - Ball field
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Drinking fountain
Geer Park

14901 Prospect


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment
  • - Picnic area, benches
  • - Shelter area
  • - Walking track
  • - Parking lot
  • - Restroom
Graham Park

8763 Graham St


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment (handicap accessible)
  • - Soccer field
  • - Benches
Oxford Park

23751 Oxford


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment (handicap accessible)
  • - Ball field
  • - Basketball
  • - Walking track
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Drinking fountain
  • - Bike rack
  • - Natural ice rink
Penn-Vassar Park

3600 Pardee


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment (handicap accessible)
  • - Ball field
  • - Walking track
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Shelter area
  • - Drinking fountain
  • - Natural ice rink
  • - Bike rack
Schemansky Park

21660 Outer Dr


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment
  • - Basketball
  • - Walking track
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Drinking fountain
  • - Natural ice rink
  • - Bike rack
Summer Stephens

22966 Audette


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment (handicap accessible)
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Outdoor pool
  • - Ball field
  • - Basketball
  • - Walking track
  • - Drinking fountain
  • - Bike rack
Ten Eyck Park

18541 Pine


Park Amenities:

  • - Play equipment (handicap accessible), drinking fountain
  • - Picnic area, tables, benches
  • - Outdoor pool
  • - Ball field
  • - Inline skate rink, natural ice rink
  • - Basketball
  • - Tennis court
  • - Walking track
  • - Bike rack