
Selling Your Home in Dearborn

To sell a home in Dearborn, a Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained prior to closing. A city inspector must complete a pre-sale house inspection to receive a Certificate of Occupancy; afterward, all cited violations must be corrected, and all required repairs must be re-inspected and confirmed by a City inspector. 

This inspection should be scheduled by the seller (or a real estate agent working on their behalf) well in advance of closing. It consists of basic safety and property maintenance inspections to ensure compliance with minimum housing standards. The certificate of occupancy will be issued in the buyer’s name.

Look Up Inspection Results

Requirements for Selling a Home in Dearborn or Registering a Rental Property

1. Submit an application with payment
2. Schedule an inspection
3. Prepare for and complete an inspection appointment
4. Complete inspection requirements
5. Schedule a re-inspection (if required)
6. Get a Certificate of Occupancy

Submit an application with payment

A property owner (seller), their listing agent, or legally appointed Power of Attorney fills out the residential inspection request form and submits it with payment to the Economic Development Department.


Schedule an Inspection

City staff will contact you to schedule a time for your inspection. The inspection will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Someone at least 18 years or older must be at your home for the entire inspection.


Prepare for & Complete Inspection Appointment

The City will complete a residential home sales inspection and provide you with a detailed report of everything at the property that violates the City code and needs to be corrected. 


Complete Inspection Requirements

From the date of your inspection, you have 1 year to complete all of the requirements identified by the City inspector(s) to become compliant with local building codes. All items listed on the report are considered code violations and must be corrected and reinspected. Inspection reports are valid for 1 year from the date of the first inspection.  


Schedule a Re-inspection (if required)

If you were required to correct violations and make repairs following your first inspection, it is necessary to reschedule a re-inspection with the City once all requirements have been completed. You must pass a re-inspection before obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy, which is required to close on the sale of a home. 


Get a Certificate of Occupancy

To request a Certificate of Occupancy, email the purchaser’s name to DbnSales@dearborn.gov. Please include whether the buyer will be the occupant of the home.