Department of Economic Development

Planning and Zoning Services

The Planning and Zoning Services team works within the Economic Development Department to assist with land use regulations and zoning ordinances, as well as planning and executing projects that affect the community. The services of the division support commercial, residential, and industrial projects, including Site Plan Reviews.

City of Dearborn Zoning Map

Planning and Zoning Inquiry Form


The primary function of Planning is to manage the use of land within the city. They work to create a Dearborn that is functional, sustainable, accessible, and meets the needs of residents and businesses. 


  • - Developing and maintaining a long-term vision for the city: This vision is typically laid out in a comprehensive plan that considers factors like housing, transportation, infrastructure, and economic development (via the Master Land Use Plan).
  • - Regulating land use: The department creates zoning codes that dictate what types of development can occur in different areas of the city. They also review development proposals to ensure they comply with these regulations. They work with stakeholders to find appropriate sites for residential, commercial and industrial zone developments. 
  • - Facilitating public participation: City planning and zoning services are required by law to hold public meetings and workshops to get input from residents and other professionals, on development projects and long-term planning efforts. Some of these long-term planning efforts take the form of a recommendation to the City Council for ordinance adoption


The primary function of Zoning is to regulate land use within a jurisdiction. Zoning is a complex topic, but it is an important tool that can be used to create livable and sustainable communities.

Zoning ordinances typically divide a city or town into different zones, each with its own set of rules governing the types of development, businesses and uses that are permitted. This helps to create orderly communities by separating incompatible uses, such as factories and residences.



Zoning has countless benefits, including: 

  • - Protecting property values: Zoning can help to protect property values by preventing the construction of incompatible uses in a neighborhood. For example, a zoning ordinance might prohibit the construction of a factory in a residential neighborhood.
  • - Reducing conflict: Zoning can help to reduce conflict between different land uses. For example, a zoning ordinance might require that factories be located a certain distance away from schools and hospitals.
  • - Promoting public health and safety: Zoning can help to promote public health and safety by regulating the density and intensity of development. For example, a zoning ordinance might limit the number of dwelling units that can be built on a particular lot of land.
Aerial buildings

Planning Site Review Information

The Planning and Zoning Services of the Economic Development division support commercial, residential, and industrial projects, including Site Plan Reviews for commercial and industrial projects.

See the Site Plan Review Development Process Flow Chart.

What is a site plan review?

A site plan review is a detailed and technical review of the proposed set of plans by different city departments (Planning and Zoning, Building Services, Sanitation, Water/Backflow, Engineering, and Fire Marshal) to verify compliance with all applicable codes.

When is a site plan review required?

The development of any new use, the construction of any new structures, and any change of an existing use of land or structure that impacts Zoning Ordinance compliance requires site plan review.

Administrative site plan review is required for any development except:

- Construction, moving, relocating, or structurally altering a single or two-family home, including any customarily incidental accessory structures.

-Excavating, filling, or otherwise removing soil, provided that such activity is usually and customarily incidental to single-family uses described in this Section for which site plan approval is not required. A grading permit may be required.

-A change in the ownership of land or a structure.

-A change in the use of a structure to a similar use allowed by right in the zoning district in which it is located, provided that no modification to the site is proposed or required by the standards of the regulations and that the site maintains full and continuing compliance with these regulations.



Administrative Site Plan Review Application

Planning & Zoning Oversight

The City Planning Division and Department of Economic Development oversee planning and zoning in the city of Dearborn in partnership with two appointed public entities.